Campaign information
This page explains what informations you will get about each campaign create and showed-up on the dashboard.
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This page explains what informations you will get about each campaign create and showed-up on the dashboard.
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Custom Name The Custom Name is the name you gave to your app.
OS This is your app's OS. It can be useful if your app is available for Android and iOS smartphones and you're running a campaign for each OS.
App Status Simple reminder about your app status in the store - Live or Not Yet.
Campaign Status
Banner Ads Number of times your promotional Banner Ad has been displayed into other apps.
Interstitial Ads Number of times your promotional Interstitial Ad has been displayed into other apps.
Rewarded Ads Number of times your promotional Rewarded Ad has been displayed into other apps.
Impressions Number of times all your promotional Ads have been seen by users into other apps.
Clicks Number of times other apps' users clicked on your promotional Ads.
Banner Ads Number of times your app displayed a Banner Ad from the Adstronomic network.
Interstitial Ads Number of times your app displayed an Interstitial Ad from the Adstronomic network.
Rewarded Ads Number of times your app displayed a Rewarded Ad from the Adstronomic network.
This is the number of credits that the related campaign currently has.
This is the ID of the related campaign that is needed to successfully integrate the Adstronomic SDK into your app for both Android and iOS.
Reminder: Each time one of your promotional Ads is displayed into another app, our server will get automatically 1 credit from the related campaign account.
Reminder: Each time your app displays an Ad, our server will automatically add 1 credit to the related campaign account.