Here, we will learn how use data to understand your campaigns performances and how to keep growing you users base.
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Here, we will learn how use data to understand your campaigns performances and how to keep growing you users base.
Last updated
Impressions are the number of times your promotional ads have been viewed into other apps of the Adstronomic network. Impressions: Advertiser Banner + Advertiser Interstitial + Advertiser Rewarded
ð§ Tips: Advertiser performances of the campaign are low? It may be because your app doesn't display all type of ads and targeting settings are too restrictive. If possible, allow your app to display the 3 types of ads and increase the targeted countries.
Clicks are the number of times one your promotional ads have been clicked and players accessed to the app's store page.
ð§ Tips: Check your favorite tracking tool (ex: Google Analytics) to trace your Adstronomic campaign conversion rate. We will soon provide this feature!
ð§ Tips: If the number of clicks is way lower than the number of impressions, this could mean that your campaign's promotional ads may be improved. Go to this page to know more about Ads formats.
Our Development team is already working on SDKs new release. We're planning to offer more analytics tools that will give you more insight about ads campaigns performances and users acquisition.
Note: Our AI-based decision engine displays ads automatically. Therefore, you can't really