Configure Promotional Campaign

In this section, you will learn more about Ads integration best practices and how targeting works.

🔌 Ads Creatives Upload

We are currently offering the 3 standard types of In-App Ads: Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded. Learn more about Ads Formats and Creatives making Best Practices:

Ads FormatsCreatives Best Practices

🌎 Target Countries

This option will let you choose in what countries the promotional ads will be displayed.

ðŸ’Ą Note: Only select countries your app is available on. Otherwise, the campaign will loose credits for nothing. Indeed, clicks won't convert into installs because the user won't be able to download the app.

ðŸ“ą Target Devices

This option will let you choose in what devices the promotional ads will be displayed. There are 3 options: Smartphones, Tablets or both of them.

Last updated